We introduced CNC Automatic Lathes, B0126 & KNC-20Gs
We introduced a CNC Automatic Lathes, B0126 by Tsugami & KNC-20Gs by Kitamura to increase our ability for difficult-to-machine materials in the cutting process.




| 2024/2/12Facilities
Introduced in Aug. 14th issue of Kinzoku Sangyo Shimbun
Open Factories event in Ayase city, which we also joined, was introduced in Aug. 14th issue of Kinzoku Sangyo Shimbun.

| 2023/8/18Media
Introduced in Jan. 6th issue of Kinzoku Sangyo Shimbun
Our challenge for improving Screw Inspection process was introduced in Jan. 6th issue of Kinzoku Sangyo Shimbun.
| 2023/1/11Media
“Excellent Factory ” award from Ayase City of Societies of Commerce and Industry
We received honorable recognition of Excellent Factory Award from Ayase City of Societies of Commerce and Industry.
As a member of the Ayase Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I will continue to participate in local events such as the “Ayase Factory Open Factory”, and contribute to the local community to promoting the industry in Ayase City.
| 2022/11/18Others
Introduced in May 30th issue of Kinzoku Sangyo Shimbun
| 2022/5/30Media