We introduced CNC Automatic Lathes, B0126 & KNC-20Gs
We introduced a CNC Automatic Lathes, B0126 by Tsugami & KNC-20Gs by Kitamura to increase our ability for difficult-to-machine materials in the cutting process.




| 2024/2/12Facilities
We introduced CNC Automatic Lathe, B075
We introduced a CNC Automatic Lathe, B075 by Tsugami to increase our capacity of cutting process for smaller products.
| 2022/5/26Facilities
We introduced a new video image sorter.
We introduced a new video image sorter by Tokyo Giken to increase our capacity and capability of sorting process.

| 2021/9/28Facilities
We introduced CNC Automatic Lathe, B0126
| 2021/9/28Facilities
Introduction of a new forming machine, BTX508A
We introduced 5D5B parts-former machine, BTX508A from Nakashimada Engineering Works, Ltd, to produce complex sharp products.

| 2021/4/7Facilities